+finance °article @FT ^Bullish investors pull $105bn from US money market funds in four weeks #markets °article @FT ^Volatility forces closures of Credit Suisse VelocityShares #stocks °article @FT ^Coronavirus gives ‘health halo’ products a boost #markets +minimalism °blog @Freedom ^Hector Hughes: Enjoying The Small Things is More Than Enough #essentialism +music °review @FT ^Norah Jones:…Continue readingJun. 24, 2020
Tag: #privacy
+business management °article @MIT SMR ^Should Businesses Stop Flying to Fight Climate Change? #future °article @MIT SMR ^You’re Going Digital — Now What? #digitalization #strategy +finance °article @NZZ ^Die Corona-Krise lässt gewisse Themenfonds alt aussehen #stocks +productivity °blog @Barking up the wrong tree ^Stay Focused: 5 Ways To Increase Your Attention Span #deepwork +technology °article…Continue readingJun. 18, 2020
+business management °article @HBR ^Discovery-Driven Digital Transformation #digitalization #innovation °news @WSJ ^Trump Draft Order Could Seek to Limit Protections for Social-Media Companies #politics +finance °article @The Market ^Analysten setzen verstärkt auf die Blue Chips #stocks °article @NZZ ^Coronavirus: Anleger langen kräftig daneben #stocks +minimalism °article @HBR ^Life’s Work: An Interview with Marie Kondo #essentialism °blog…Continue reading200528
+finance °article @The Market >>«Trump wird den Druck auf Peking aus politischen Gründen erhöhen» °article @WSJ >>China’s ‘Wolf Warrior’ Diplomats Are Ready to Fight +technology °article @WSJ >>20 Ways Tech Can Keep Your Kids Engaged and Learning This Summer °article °news @FT >>EasyJet says hackers accessed travel details of 9m customersContinue reading200519
+business management @FT #Google founders’ exit signals end of era at search giant @NZZ #«Herr Karrer, Herr Bigler, sagt Ihnen der Begriff ‹Okay, Boomer› etwas?» +technology @FT #Facial recognition: how China cornered the surveillance market @FT #Who’s using your face? The ugly truth about facial recognition @WSJ #Chinese Citizens Must Scan Their Faces to Register for…Continue reading191211