+business management @WSJ #The Five Traits of True Tech +finances @WSJ #Trump’s Tariff Threats Move From Trade to Tax @WSJ #U.S. Stocks Slide After Trump Signals Further Delays to China Deal +technology @WSJ #FBI Warns FaceApp Could Pose Counterintelligence ThreatContinue reading191203


+business management @WSJ #U.S. Dominance in Global Services Economy Weakens +finance @WSJ #U.S. Restores Steel, Aluminum Tariffs on Argentina and Brazil @WSJ #U.S. Stocks Fall on Fresh Trade Tensions +technology @WSJ #Huawei Manages to Make Smartphones Without American Chips @NZZ #Das World Wide Web hat sein gutes Gewissen verloren @NZZ #Gesundheitsdatenspende ist keine BürgerpflichtContinue reading191202


+finance @NZZ #Thematische Investments: Wenn der Megatrend zum Megaflop zu werden droht +technology @FT #Putting the ‘AI’ into financial adviceContinue reading191118


+finance @NZZ #Negativzinsen fressen Sparern die Rendite weg – was Anleger noch mit ihrem Geld machen können @NZZ #Das System ist kaputt @NZZ #Ist der Aktienmarkt «too big to fail»? @FT #Is the equity bull market too big to fail? @WSJ #U.S.-China Trade Talks Hit Snag Over Farm Purchases +technology @WSJ #Next in Google’s Quest…Continue reading191113


+finance @NZZ #Mit 45 in Rente – Millennials sparen für den Berufsausstieg +technology @HZ Magazin 3. CH Digitaltag #Tutor Thymio @digitalswitzerland.com #Computational Thinking Initiative @swissinfo.ch #How much tech should be in Swiss classrooms? @nccr-robotics.ch #Teaching Resources (Thymio) ->Thymio @HZ Magazin 3. CH Digitaltag #Wie läuft es in der Schule? ->Smart Camps @Y Mag No. 30,…Continue reading190906