+finance °news @FT #Global stock rebound loses steam as coronavirus fears return #stocks +technology °article @WSJ #Coronavirus School Closures Expose Digital Haves and Have-Nots #teachingContinue reading200311


+finance @FT #Apple’s coronavirus sales warning hits global stocks @FT #Coronavirus forces Apple to warn over iPhone sales +productivity @HBR #Managing Yourself: Extreme Productivity @HBR #Being More Productive +technology @FT #Smartwatches call time on the Swiss industryContinue reading200218


+business management @zhaw Impact #Zürich will führendes Zentrum für KI-Forschung werden @zhaw Impact #ZHAW engagiert sich für menschenfreundliche KI made in Switzerland and Europe @zhaw Impact #Industrie 4.0: Die Fabrik der Zukunft +finance @FT #Dollar’s surge adds to coronavirus risks for US economy @FT #Stockpickers turn to big data to arrest decline @NZZ #Die Credit…Continue reading200211


+business management @MIT SMR #Why the ‘Just Do Something’ Strategy for AI Won’t Work +finance @MIT SMR #Learning to Love the AI Bubble +productivity @WSJ #Is LinkedIn a Waste of Time? +technology @HBR #High-Profile Jitters Over AI @The Atlantic #The Metamorphosis @Republik #«Data is the new oil» und andere Nonsens-SätzeContinue reading200204


+finance @NZZ #Eine Karte für fast alle Bankgeschäfte @NZZ #Traditionsbanken überdenken die Gebühren +technology @FT #US tech backlash forces China to be more self-sufficient @FT #What will happen in tech in 2020Continue reading200115


+business management @Bloomberg #Everyone Wants a Piece of Enterprise Tech Companies @NZZ #Wie künstliche Intelligenz die Arbeitswelt umkrempelt +finance @WSJ #Sequoia Capital Is In No Rush to Spend $8 Billion Fund @NZZ #Twints bloss vordergründiger Höhenflug @NZZ #Wall Street muss Limiten der künstlichen Intelligenz ernst nehmen +technology @WSJ #Health Regulators Begin to Take a Closer…Continue reading200114