+productivity @HBR #A Modest Proposal: Eliminate Email +technology @FT #Germany gives Huawei a cold shoulderContinue reading200212


+business management @MIT SMR #Why the ‘Just Do Something’ Strategy for AI Won’t Work +finance @MIT SMR #Learning to Love the AI Bubble +productivity @WSJ #Is LinkedIn a Waste of Time? +technology @HBR #High-Profile Jitters Over AI @The Atlantic #The Metamorphosis @Republik #«Data is the new oil» und andere Nonsens-SätzeContinue reading200204


+business management @MIT SMR #People and Machines: Partners in Innovation @MIT SMR #AI Can Help Us Live More Deliberately @MIT SMR #Revisiting the Jobs Artificial Intelligence Will Create @HBR #Building the AI-powered Organization @MIT SMR #Using AI to Enhance Business Operation @MIT SMR #Strategy For and With AI @CS Bulletin 2/2019 p. 58-62 #Am Anfang…Continue reading200203


+business management @Inc. #Dilbert’s Scott Adams on Why It’s Better to Have a System Than a Goal +technology @Republik #Der kalte Tech-KriegContinue reading200109


+productivity @Medium #How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind — from a Magician and Google Design Ethicist @Medium #The Distraction-Free AndroidContinue reading200108


+business management @remarkable.com #$15 million funding round also set to improve existing customer experiences +productivity @MIT SMR – #Leisure Is Our Killer App +technology @NZZ #Computer und künstliche Intelligenz machen Arbeit, viel Arbeit. Sie ist schlecht bezahlt – und das KI-Prekariat bleibt unsichtbar @NZZ #Die «Schummelalgorithmen» hinter der künstlichen IntelligenzContinue reading191015